Llgad-yr-ych Park, Llanelli
Another of the South Wales track which has virtually been forgotten, was the one known as the Llygadyrych greyhound track. Not to be confused with the greyhound track at Stebonheath Park, The Llygadyrych greyhound track was one of three tracks that operated in or around the town of Llanelly, this one located roughly three quarters of a mile east of Llanelly’s town centre.
Information regarding this venue is minimal indeed, and an advertisement linked with this venue is dated 1932, presuming this period was during the early days in the life of the track. Again to point out that information is rare and therefore there is nothing to offer on how this independent track operated. It seemed as the gatherings ceased possibly around 1937 as an advert dated May 1938 offers the sale of the tracks grandstand.
Again the tracks exact location remains a mystery, my research through old maps reveals no possible track sites, but my presumption is based on earth movement. There are two possible sites both south of Capel Isaf Road in the district of Halfway, One is where a cluster of new houses lie at Ridgewood Park, the other lies north west adjacent to Ridgewood park, were google earth offers an oval section of grassland that could easily be the site of an old dog track.

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