Leicester Road, Markfield LE67 9RF
The village of Markfield lies seven miles northwest of the City of Leicester, and just one mile southeast of the busy M1 motorway. It is here on the north-western outskirts of the village that Greyhound Racing once took place, with its first known meeting taking place on the 3rd of January 1931.
Its arrival was only brief as cards for meeting printed in the local press ceased during September 1931. The track was situated at the rear of the Old Coach & Horses Inn, a business which still operates today along the side of Leicester Road, which runs parallel to the A50, just one and a half miles southeast of junction 22 of the M1.
Information found shows that the hounds competed over 330 and 500 yards, with whippet racing taking place during gatherings also, yet no other information is at hand at this time of writing.

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